Make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Hot Springs with Gerry Carrillo on the memo line.

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Calvary Chapel Hot Springs
39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd.
Murrieta, CA 92563

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*CCHS is a non-profit organization (501c3), and will make an annual tax receipt available.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

God's mission is being accomplished in many ways:
Thankful as Ronald leads us in worship.
1.) We stopped feeding the homeless to concentrate on those who really are seeking deliverance from drugs and addictions; but the first weekend of the month of May we will continue feeding them the Word that does not return void and nourishing them with physical food.
2.) God has put it on my heart to be out in the city and evangelize more to let them know that Jesus loves them, in which I believe with my whole heart He does...It's causing the Bible Study to grow.
3.) Weekly Men's Bible Study that five men faithfully come. (Going through the book of Joshua)
Last Tuesday...
4.) The Men's discipleship home where three men live and are being fed the Word and constantly being checked on. We had one guy fall (Mario) and we have a new guy named Wendall. We hold a Bible Study there on Tuesdays and two ladies show up faithfully.

Ministry needs:
1.) First, the Bibles I asked for a friend of mine has sent funds to buy them here so praise the Lord...I have not received the funds but should kick in next month...Praise God. My desire is that they see and read His Word...The Bibles will be kept for those who need a Bible during the teaching we will have some available...
2.) Provision for light and water bill for the men's home. Its not easy for these guys to get a job but they are trying real hard. We are thinking on buying them some products that they can sell on the street. We have one guy who owes child support and asking that you pray he is able to find a job so he can provide for the needs of his little girl. I am paying for the bills at the home for now but soon we hope that they can provide for the needs of the home...
4.) So much warfare so much prayer.
5.) Trying so hard to get Pichardo's identification. On the 25th of this month he has a meeting with immigration so please pray all goes well. Costs and all that it would not be so expensive.
6.) There are so many needs so please revise this and keep us in prayer...
Chuz with Antonio. going on four months sober. He turned 63
last Sunday and will celebrate his birth this next Sunday.
7.) Like always pray that I find the balance with family and ministry, discernment with all I do amd the guys at the gym that I can share with them the gospel at the right time. Just being a light to those who need Christ...

This Sunday we will be dedicating a baby and will have a luncheon for the oldest guy at the discipleship home. To let you guys know, our Bible Study is growing. The Lord does the increase. God takes knowledge of His people and cares so much for us....Also just to let you guys know I bought a gas tank for the Men's Discipleship home so thanks for providing and one last thing its a personal need: My water pump went out in my car and that will cost me 185,000.00 a little under $400.00 so just pray God provides and I know He will...

Saturday, March 10, 2018

This mission is being accomplished in the following ways:
1.) Agape Love Bible Study that is turning into a church plant (moved it to our house because its in the center of the city and we can fit sixty people max)
2.) Men's Discipleship home called Casa Emanuel.
3.) Tuesday Foundations Class.
It's great to see these guys smile...
4.) Men's Bible Study every Wednesday
5.) Women's Bible Study every Tuesday morning.
6.) Being out in the community asking God to help me be a light to those who need the love of Jesus.

This month's ministry needs:
1.) If I can get 25 people to support me $50.00 per month, I would be able to meet my monthly budget. God is doing an amazing work in many lives and really need your support and prayers to further the kingdom of God here in Costa Rica. As I think about this, I want everybody to know that for me to work here would be about $2.00 an hour and to make money I would have to work more than full time and this would take away time to minister, study and teach God's Word.
so sweet
2.) It would be nice for the men to have a couch to sit on. If anyone is willing to donate an extra $300.00 and be specific so I can know that the funds are for the couch. I will take picture and post on next blog...
3.) We need a gas tank for the men's home and that is around $50.00
This months prayer requests:
1.) Mario, Pichardo, and Antonio who live at the men's discipleship home. That they would continue to walk with Christ as they are in the process of being transformed from living in the streets for years to having a roof over their head. That they grow spiritually as their faith is being tested.
2.) Wisdom as we move forward with the home and a way for them to make some sort of income to help with the expenses of the home.
3.) My sister in law who attends our Sunday Study delivered a baby girl Thursday, March 8th. Keep her and baby Aitana in prayer. The doctor told Mela that she could not have a baby and when she came to me I told her to put her trust in the All Mighty who can make things happen and it was a very prayerful time as she went through her pregnancy and God was faithful to help deliver this sweet baby. Pray that she grows up learning her identity is in Christ and for the Mom because she is up for many surprises!
4.) Pray for us to have property of our own...
5.) Pray for the Sunday Study as we move it to our home where we can sit 60 people easily. That God would lead and guide. I have been praying for this for sometime and brought it up to the Elder of the Church and he said we should wait. But what caused him to say yes is a guy went up to him and asked, "when is Gerry going to move the study to the mornings?" And that made Jesus (elder) say yes. I feel in my heart we will grow in this period and I believe God will open up a place in the future...God is faithful.
6.) Pray for Esteban as he is almost finished with the nine month program. He has many gifts and when he gets out of rehab he continues to walk with Jesus.
7.) Pray for the women's study
juoaquin then.
that Silvia be blessed and the ladies who attend be blessed...
8.) Pray for Juoaquin. Remember the guy who lived on the streets and they cut his belly open to remove a kidney and he escaped to do drugs. I went to the bridge everyday to heal his wound as he smoked crack cocaine. He is radically changing for God's glory. He now works full time with his father at the capital and donates food to the homeless.
9.) Pray for many more to come to the feet of Jesus as I share His love daily.
10.) I need to get away for about three days so please pray that God would provide a way for my family and I to get away and just be us... Working with those with addiction is challenging and sometimes overwhelming but so worth it when they surrender to Jesus...
Juoaquin now.
11.) Pray that I could be a good husband and father to those I love...and for Jesus who is an elder and his wife Olga and their daughter Shanti

Men's Bible Study
We thank you so much as you take time and pray for our needs and the ministry. As I was studying for Sunday (John 7:43-53) but 7:43 made me think; I study in Spanish so I hope it makes sense...So the crowd was divided about Him. You are either for Him or against Him. Sometimes in our walk with the Lord we become divided because we feel like that person is wrong for some decision the person has made. But as I was praying (wrong or right) and some experience I have been through I think the wise way to come across this is to say, "That brother is washed by the Blood of Christ or Sister, I am washed by the Blood of Christ, lets bow our knees before the Lord grab each others hand and walk together through this. The people get divided when we loose perspective of what Jesus has done on the Cross for us. Or we just simply don't believe in Christ at all. But as believers we should not be divided. Jesus prayed for us to be united and its obviously the hardest thing for us to do. I believe Jesus knew that and that is why He prayed for us to be united...Do we need His grace...Back to moving the Study to our home is because I felt God put it on my heart, because where I live their is many people I believe will come. During this time of growth I believe God will provide for a building at His timing. I have sixty chairs and it is centered in town...There is so much I can write about but I trust God to touch your hearts to get an idea of what He is doing with Agape Love.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Shared with them Genesis 1:26
Then God said, let us make human beings (man) in our own image, to be like us (Genesis 1:26) The reason why I initiated this blog with this verse is because if you think about it, humans were created in the image of God and created to be like Him. We should look at every individual with the potential they have in Christ.
If a person was created in God's image and to be like God we should trust God to do a work in the individual. Agape love Ministry wants to thank you because of your generous heart we bought them a gas stove, rice cooker, and a skillet and basic needs to get them started...I trust God that He is going to do a mighty work in these individuals. Mario with the yellow shirt is so humbled by an experience he had where he almost died. He knows the Lord but need's  to be taught the basic foundation of being a disciple of Christ, which I'm really excited about. Antonio the one next to Mario does not know how to read. This is going to be a challenge for me because I am going to try and teach him to read. Pichardo is the one in charge of the home and he is very firm as you can see in the picture. I love these guys so much...Just looking at the picture makes my heart melt. Please pray for unity! Other churches are getting involved. Pray for Pastor Johnny who feeds the homeless the week I don't and Pastor Olman who is excited about the discipleship home. Here are the following prayer request:
Love these guys

1.) That these guys would keep their eyes on Christ.

2.) Wisdom for me to know what to do and when I say what to do (What God wants me to do)

3.) Pastor Roy that will be teaching today on giving, pray it goes well.

4.) Financial support to provide the needs and I'm thankful for His faithfulness.

5.) these guys will be going out and selling merchandise to pay rent and other things they need, so please pray that they make their budget so the bills can be paid.

6.) pray that these guys can be restored and their families can see the difference in them.

7.) Pray for me always to be a good husband, father as my youngest daughter is entering 7th. grade and to be a solid teacher of the Word as I do all the other ministry stuff.

8.) Pray for Pastor Brian, Pastor Dave, Pastor Dale, Pastor Jeremy and all the elders of all the churches, that God give them the wisdom which is from above.

thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog.

Gerry Carrillo

Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 26, 2018
This is Ulisses. We meet once a week just to love on
Him and share the love of Christ.
I want to be sincere and use the proper words and for those that know me, know that I am always out in the community reaching out to souls that Christ came and died for. I love it! They figured out where I live so I am always loving on these guys weather it be on the streets or in my front porch...Recently I have been sitting one on one with this guy who is gifted in music. Just gave him a call on his moms house phone and as he was coming to the phone I heard him say, "wow, no one ever calls me" That touched my heart... He is 36 days sober of drinking pure alcohol, so in small words I want to invest in him. I see so much potential in this guy through the work of Jesus on the Cross. There are many things I do that I feel real bad taking pictures but I rest knowing God sees His work...Also Esteban is going on four months in rehab and is walking with the Lord. Another individual who I asked you all to pray for (Jouaquin) The one who escaped from the hospital and everyday I went to his living quarters to help clean his wound is sober and working with his dad in San Jose, We just need to pray that he accepts Jesus in His heart. His brother came down from Canada and they both sat with me and thanked me for all I done for him, I told them all the glory is to God, for God is the Almighty that desires to use Jouaquin. A good friend of mine,
Pastor Dale always called the children upfront and pray for them before they got sent off to class and so I started to  implement that. I believe prayer is what makes things happen, so who knows what the Lord wants to do with these children...Our last feeding of the homeless was cool because some have sobered up and are serving so continue to pray for those that are still in chains of addictions.

We are slowly growing and are praying for our own building because we meet in the gym and want to move the study to the morning and in the middle of town..
.I took a Picture of the place and they want 1,000.00 a month. God provide! It would be cool to have our own place so please keep it in prayer. Ticos like a place where they can call it home and I need help financially to pay for the place. If its the Lord's will it will happen. I ts all in the Lord's hands...It would be so cool to have our own place. We are also starting a couples ministry so keep that in prayer as we get together and learn more about marriage. Im excited about all the work the lord is doing and I ask that you all be a part of what He is doing. Trust in God. He provides and guides. There is so much I can be writing about but I think this is good enough.We love you and pray the very best for all of you.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

We wish you a awesome Christmas and a blessed new year.

1uRmyLGxj2ou_EE4jVR9nfM76khwoIVmE from Gerardo Carrillo on Vimeo.

My daughter giving coffee to a homeless guy. My
Children are growing up serving Jesus.
many have put themselves in rehabs or have found jobs but
more new ones come...
To end the year we fed 36 homeless and 5 that came late. When I speak of feeding them we share the Word with them and I am amazed at how much they know the Word. Some of them have memorized Psalms and sometimes when I teach them they know the verses by heart...The Sunday Study has grown to twenty people which none of the boys from the feeding come. My point in everything I do is to point people to Christ. That is why I started teaching the Gospel Of John. The disciple whom Jesus loved. Anybody who has come to visit us in Costa Rica knows that daily I'm in the community reaching out to those that Christ loves. Under bridges in dangerous areas teaching His Word. I have gained so much respect and love from even the hardest individuals on the street who have spent most their lives in Prison thanks to Jesus my Lord and Savior...I found a Christ centered rehab in San Jose and I have one guy that is going on his third month sober. I pay around 160.00 a month and its a good investment for His Kingdom because Esteban is gifted in music that I believe God has given him.
My son serving faithfully.
Last month my support was only a little over $1000.00 and my monthly budget is $2,800.00. Things have changed so much here in Costa Rica but He is still using me to reach out to people but I need the financial support to live and I never know who gives because I am never told so please if God is putting on your heart to give we really appreciate your generous gift. Most funds I do receive go directly to the ministry and we need help to continue...Also please keep me in prayer with the new friends I am establishing getting involved in the community. My kids are on vacation and I would love to take them on a vacation that we need so much because my family is my first ministry and it would be a blessing to them to get away. My youngest daughter is going into seventh grade and Esteban into fifth, but it would be really good if we could get away for a few days...I have also started a daily teaching on this application we use here called whatts app, and I have over 300 contacts and people respond to the teaching. I am really excited what the Lord has for 2018. Please keep us in prayer that God give us wisdom and discernment...Also please pray for my friend Jesus who is an elder for the ministry here that God would provide for his needs as well. I am looking for someone who is willing to support him because he is involved in the ministry and his wife is so faithful cooking each week that we feed the homeless. Also know that churches are getting involved and feeding the homeless when we cant. I think that is really cool. Also pray for God to use me to be a light with the new soccer team I play with...Its good to be involved in the community. My brother in law who has been teaching the Word for over thirty years and lives in the capital will come on the first of the month to teach. So please keep him in prayer and the church that wants to be involved with Agape Love that he attends. Also keep another church who has grasped the vision of Agape Love and feed the homeless the weekend we cant feed them... I honestly believe that God has put this ministry on my heart and Churches are getting involved.
Pray that I could be a light to these guys I see daily...

Monday, November 20, 2017

God in His great mercy has blessed us with so much that if we just took a moment to see the riches we have in Christ, we would all be in awe. A verse comes to my mind as I write this blog: On Sunday's we are studying through the Gospel of John and this verse has really touched my heart.

Today was the first day that his family got to see him..
it costs around 160.00 but worth the investment
"Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.” (John 6:27). A church called, "Iglesia de Dios La Cosecha (The Church of God the Harvest) has come along side us and we swap every Saturday's. to feed the homeless. Really awesome to see the community get involved. Remember Esteban? He completed one month

Here I am taking him food. If God radically touches this guys heart
it will touch hearts all the way in Canada.
in a Crist centered Re-hab. He is so gifted and I know God desires to use this young man.He is worth investing in. This weekend will be the first time his family will get to see him in a whole month. So excited for him. The program is nine months so please keep him in prayer. Also this is really cool, I am working with a drug addict that is touching hearts all the way in Canada. His brother lives in Canada and has found out about what I do so he sends money so this guy eats. He was the one that was in the hospital and escaped.
Working on a worship band can use your prayers.
I had to clean his stitches because I was afraid he was going to get an infection. Please keep him in prayer, If God radically touches this guys heart it will touch many for he has a big family and they trust me to send funds so he can eat. I would love to send this guy to the rehab Esteban is at but it costs $160.00 per month. God will provide. Now that I am thinking about provision. My provision has been real low and if I can get 20 people to commit $100.00 a month that would help so much. You guys can ask Dale and Jeb. I am so involved in the community and can use support. Also for those that are supporting, Life Church in Gulf Breeze has made me Pastor legally and if all the funds went through them, it would help with taxes. their address is: Life Church Gulf Breeze
Attention Geraldo M. Carrillo
PO Box 562
Gulf Breeze Florida
Also I am working on a worship team so please keep us in prayer.
Their is a lot going on and I ask that you keep me in prayer so I can make wise decisions and discernment with those that want to meet with me. My budget is 2,800.00 per month please help me so I can buy speakers, a mixer and a microphone. Well that is way out of my budget but I need them. I can write so much more of what God is doing but I put it in His hands for He knows.
I love people and I know God is using me to touch hearts.
In His precious name
Gerry and Silvia Carrillo.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

After much prayer and seeking council from men that have been in the ministry for many years I have decided to do two blogs. One of them will focus on what God (The Almighty) is doing and this one is going to focus specifically on prayer request.

Sharing the love of Christ to an elementary School.
1.) I have a gentleman that is extremely gifted in worship and maybe even teaching. I wont go to far into his circumstance but for the next nine months he is dislocated from his two children and wife. My prayer is that he is given the power by the Holy Spirit to make it through this program so he can be united with his family (more importantly) and begin serving in the church...The first month in this program he is not to see anyone, but after the first month I will be traveling to San Jose so His family can spend visit times with him. My prayer is that God put it on someones heart to give and invest in this soul that is a very good investment. I need 160.00 per month to keep him in this Christ centered program. He lost his job and he can use your prayers...I felt in my heart that it was highly important to get him in rehab before he lost everything so I put him in rehab and paid for the first month, I just need help for the next 8 months. If he decides not to finish then I will post and let you all know. Pray that this does not happen, but if he decides not to finish the program, he will loose all he has and all he has is his family.

2.) God opened doors to enter certain schools and I ask that you all keep me in prayer as I will enter many other schools and share the Gospel message.

My brother in law made them shirts. So awesome!
3.) We are connected to the homeless everyday and I ask that you all pray that everything we do for them, God uses for His glory. It is a very hard ministry but its so worth it when someone comes to the feet of Jesus. We are yoked with One who gives sufficient grace for every time of need. These men need Jesus. Many have come to know Christ, but man in himself is utterly hopeless. He does not even have the strength to come to Jesus by himself, unless the Father first begins to work in his heart and life. He will never realize his terrible guilt and his need of a Savior. Pray that we as Agape Love are used to respond to God's call and share His love to all.

4.) Pray that we continue to lift the name of Jesus high because I know in my heart that He is faithful to draw others to Him. Our Savior has power to cleanse from sin and to qualify the cleansed person to be a worshiper.
Last Sunday Study.