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Monday, July 17, 2017

On Saturday July, 15th. We served 48 meals and a gentleman named Olman received Christ as his Savior. All praise and glory is to Jesus who holds all our future in the tender palms of His mighty hands.
This is Olman who accepted Jesus on July 15th.
He isworthy to praise. In my heart I felt the Holy Spirit say invest in this man and I will according to His Spirit. There is a great need for property and my wife and I are praying that God provide because the need is great. If we get a piece of land I would be able to house the ones that desperately want to be off the streets. Out of the 65 or so that live on the streets, there are at least 5 of them that have accepted Jesus as Savior but the only problem is that they have no place to be discipled and brought back to restoration. It is my wife’s and I desire to pour into these men and women who need Jesus like we all do. Agape Love ministry has excellent contact with all the souls that live on the streets but the greatest need is a home where we can pour into them. I believe that it is God’s will to make disciples and not many make themselves available to meet the physical and spiritual need of these souls that Jesus loves so much. When Olman came to know the Lord, he asked me if God could use a man like him, and I said, “He desires to.” Tears came to my eyes as I knew that God could radically change this man’s life. Please pray that many would grasp Agape Love Ministry vision so that we can see lives be radically transformed. That those who have a heart to give generously would give to buy land so we can invest in these people and teach them that it should be a contagious action to make more disciples for God’s kingdom and for His glory. It’s not an easy ministry but its God’s and He is the One who can change lives and He is the One who receives all the glory. If God puts it on your heart to give please go to my blog at and click on the donate button. We need provision for food and prayer for wisdom as I seek to make it legal so companies can donate and come alongside the vision we have at Agape Love. Many prayers needed:
For Olman to grow in his walk with the Lord. I will do my best to seek him in the streets and read to him scripture and explain what it means as you all continue to pray as I am filled with His Spirit.
Pray for Esteban and Ale as they are going through rough times because of bad decisions. Pray that Esteban would be delivered from addiction and that I continue to love on this family and see the potential they have in Jesus.
Pray for Jesus and Olga for it seems as though they have walked away from fellowship. Tonight we go visit them so keep us in prayer for wisdom to speak God’s Word’s into their hearts.
Pray for a lady named Maritza who we visited last night and prayed with. She has breathing problems that have kept her at home. She loves the Lord and pray He would reveal himself to her as she seeks Him.
Pray that God continue to use us as we move forward with Agape Love Ministry and all things fall into place as He directs. Pray for unity and restoration in areas where the enemy has had victory.
In Fellowship before we fed 48 with The Word and food.

I ask that we all pray for a radical transformation.

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